Lawyers for Drug Possession Charges in Burwood Local Court

The annual Stereosonic festival kicked off in Sydney last weekend, attracting over 80,000 revellers intent on celebrating some of the world’s most esteemed electronic artists and DJs.

For many, the weekend stood out as one of the highlights of the year.

But for some, the weekend didn’t go according to plan.

The two day festival saw police make 196 arrests, with 169 people being charged with drug possession, 13 for drug supply, and a further 14 receiving ‘cannabis cautions.’

A total of 830 people were searched in the blitz.

One 21 year old man made headlines after he was caught in possession of 87 ecstasy pills.

He was charged with the offence of ‘deemed supply’.

Deemed supply is a unique offence which allows police to charge you with drug supply, even in the absence of any other evidence to suggest that you supplied others with illegal drugs.

They can do this if you are found with more than the ‘traffickable quantity’ of certain drugs, in which case police are allowed to automatically assume that you intended to supply the drugs to others.

The traffickable amount of MDMA (ecstasy) is 0.75 grams, while for cocaine, amphetamines and heroin it is 3 grams.

For cannabis, the traffickable amount is 300 grams.

If you are caught with these amounts or more, you may be charged with deemed supply.

The 21 year old who was charged was granted conditional bail at Burwood Local Court, and will face court again on 11th February 2015; along with many others charged during the festival.

The good news is that it’s not the end of the world if you’ve been charged with a drug offence.

As a firm that specialises in drug law, our lawyers are equipped with the expert knowledge and insight necessary to get your case thrown out if we detect problems in the police case, or to secure a lenient penalty if you wish to plead guilty – whether your case involves a minor possession charge or is more serious.

If you are charged with drug supply, our lawyers will work to have the case thrown out or downgraded to the less serious charge of possession

This can frequently be achieved by showing that there is no evidence to suggest that you intended to supply drugs – for example, if there is an absence of ‘drug indicia’ such as scales, large sums of money or multiple mobile phones.

Our experienced drug lawyers regularly appear at Burwood Local Court and are familiar with the magistrates, which can be a big advantage.

If we believe that you were illegally searched or that you otherwise have a defence to your drug case, we can push for police to drop the charges even before you get to court.

If you wish to plead guilty, you can rest assured that our lawyers have an unparalleled record of helping clients to avoid criminal convictions.

In fact, as recently as last Thursday (4th December 2014) each of our Senior Criminal Lawyers represented 3 clients who pleaded guilty to possessing drugs during the Harbourlife Music Festival in November – and ALL of our clients avoided criminal convictions!

This was achieved by persuading the magistrate to grant what’s known as a ‘section 10 dismissal or conditional release order’, which means that you are guilty but no criminal conviction is recorded against your name.

This may be desirable for anyone concerned about the impact that a criminal conviction may have on their work or travel plans.

While many believe that ‘non conviction orders’ are reserved for less serious offences, our skilled lawyers have been able to obtain these types of results in more serious supply cases as well.

It just goes to show that it pays to have the experts on your side!

We also understand that choosing a lawyer can be challenging, particularly if you’re worried about the cost.

That’s why Sydney Drug Lawyers offers attractive fixed fee arrangements in many drug cases, including drug possession and small drug supply.

We also offer a free first conference to discuss your case with one of our experts and get advice about your options.

Plus, we guarantee that you’ll be represented by one of our highly experienced Senior Lawyers; not by a ‘junior solicitor’ like many other firms.

Our Senior Lawyers have amassed a wealth of experience and knowledge working on some of the most serious drug cases in Australia – and they have secured ‘not guilty’ verdicts in countless commercial drugs cases, including cases where our clients were accused of importing hundreds of millions of dollars worth of drugs.

So get in touch with us today on (02) 9264 5778 and find out how we can help you get on with your life.

Ugur Nedim About Ugur Nedim
Ugur Nedim is an Accredited Specialist Criminal Lawyer and Principal at Sydney Criminal Lawyers®, Sydney’s Leading Firm of Criminal & Drug Defence Lawyers.

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